Programming languages
Programming languages
This books is a Wiki-like knowledge base written on the open way on GitHub. Here are collected different hints and tips for software developers.
As a markup language used AsciiDoctor, converted using generator PzdcDoc to static HTML pages. You can edit .adoc files in every text editor or use IDE plugins.
The following programs have to be installed on machine to edit the book. Use the links for Windows installers or search them by name in OS package manager.
git clone https://github.com/Pingvin235/book.git Book
Create own branch:
git checkout -B my-branch
Commit all the changes:
git add . && git commit -m "Comment"
Push commit to GitHub:
git push
Apply latest changes from master
to your branch:
git fetch origin master:master && git merge master
After your work in branch is done, send a Pull Request to GitHub for accepting your changes to master.
Execute in repo directory command ./gradlew
. The result is placed in target/doc
, index.html
can be opened using browser.
Place author reference at beginning of every file.
Case there is a good article exist in Net - place a link to it. To do not loose content in the future use https://archive.is/. Example of stored reference: https://bgerp.ru
Here may be found examples of AsciiDoc markup.
The log is used for tracking changes.
AsciiDoc files and internal anchors have to be named using Latin alphanumeric symbols and -.